Blog post list

Insteon Home Automation

This post covers some installation tips about setting up automation products that use the popular Insteon technology marketed by a company called Smarthome. One of the reason for this tutorial is that I plan on creating some Insteon-related software products, and it makes sense to document a typical Insteon home installation that can be used …

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Sandrail conversion to Bus 002 Transaxle

This article describes how to convert a Sandrail from an swingaxle suspension to an IRS bug suspension. There are several reasons for doing this. First of all, let’s look at how the camber of the tires changes from a swingaxle to an IRS: The excessive camber of the swingaxle can lead to a number of …

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002 VW Transaxle Rebuild

This post describes my experiences rebuilding an 002 transaxle. I’m going to document the effort as a trial attempt to produce a video that show the rebuild. Everything in this video is from a fresh perspective of someone who has never rebuilt a transaxle before (me!), so if it seems like I don’t know what …

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iPad 2 impressions

I got my new iPad 2 the other day, and am just starting to try out a few applications on it. This page will serve as a place to list applications that I find noteworthy and reviews of accessories, etc. Smart Cover The first thing to talk about is the iPad 2 Smart Cover, which …

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pyTivo plugin for sirius satellite radio on Tivo

pyTivo plugin to support Sirius Online Radio Dr. Scott M Baker, Download Link – version 0.1: pytivo-sirius-0.1.tar.gz Limitations – This plugin is extremely beta. Meaning, I got it work well enough that I can listen to “80s on 8” and that’s all that’s really important to me. Things that are known to be broken …

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